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Interview Tips for 2019

By May 28, 2019December 7th, 2021No Comments

Do you have an upcoming interview? If you’re feeling nervous and want to pull out all the stops to do your very best—it always helps to prepare. So where do you start?

15 interview tips to land your next e-commerce position

Try any of the following to get one step closer to your next job:

  1. Research the company. This shows your investment in getting hired because you want THIS job, not just any job. Before your interview, read up on the company by visiting their website, reading recent press releases and checking them out on social media. The added bonus is your research can also help you decide if it’s the right company for you!
  2. Know why you’re a great candidate. Don’t make the interviewer figure this out for themselves—be ready to explain it! You’re probably going up against a bunch of other e-commerce professionals, so what makes you the top contender? Consider your experience and skills, and how these will help you excel at this job.
  3. Prepare 3-5 smart questions. You should always enter an interview ready to ask questions. Jot these down in a notebook so you have them ready to go. Many of your job-specific questions may be answered during the course of the interview, so be ready with a few that might not be answered, such as:
    1. Why did the previous person leave this position?
    2. How many others are interviewing for this job?
    3. What skills do I need to excel with the company?
    4. What other questions can I answer that will help you make your decision?
  4. Choose your outfit. You want to look your best, so be ready to pour on the professional appearance. Have your outfit pressed and ready so you’re not scrambling at the last minute. A seasonally appropriate suit is a good choice; you can also go with dress pants and a dress shirt for men, or a dress shirt and dress pants or skirt for women.
  5. Practice answers to common and industry questions. This goes without saying. Do a Google search to find a list, and practice in front of a mirror. You can even write a few notes down to take with you to your interview.
  6. Map your route. Who wants to rush around the day of your interview and risk arriving late? Not you! Map out the route ahead of time so you know where you’re going and how long it will take. Plan to arrive 15 minutes early in case of traffic.
  7. Get enough sleep. It may be difficult to sleep the night before your interview, so plan to wind down a little early. You might try meditation, white noise or a warm bath to get you ready for sleep. When you’re well-rested, it will be easier to recall answers to interview questions and remain calm.
  8. Be positive. From the parking attendant, to the receptionist, to your interviewer and everyone you meet in between—be friendly and upbeat. Making a good impression starts the second you arrive at the interview site.
  9. Bring copies of your resume and cover letter. A busy interviewer may not have time to print these out, so do the leg work ahead of time. Print a few copies and bring them along in your bag or briefcase.
  10. Smile and shake hands. Even if you’re not feeling 100 percent confident, a firm handshake with your interviewer and genuine smile will help you appear as if you are. These positive actions may even help to set your mind at ease.
  11. Establish common ground. You may be up against plenty of other e-commerce candidates, so you want to be memorable (in a good way!). At the beginning of your interview, it’s common for an interviewer to make small talk—so go right along with this! Attempt to uncover something you both have in common. Good topics are sports, local restaurants, popular TV shows or recent movies.
  12. Bring an emergency kit. Mini-disasters can, and will, strike when it’s least convenient. But you can temper any mishaps by coming prepared with emergency items in your bag. These can include a small sewing kit, stain stick, bottle of water, breath mints, nail file, band aids and headache medicine.
  13. Remember a note pad. This way you’re equipped with anything you want to remember to mention or ask, and can jot down notes during the course of the interview.
  14. Be gracious. At the end of the interview, thank the interviewer for their time and for considering you as a candidate. Ask them to feel free to contact you if they have any questions.
  15. Always follow up. Collect the contact information of your interviewer and send a follow-up email or letter right away after your interview. Thank the person again, and if you feel any of your interview answers weren’t complete, provide more information.
  16. A recruiter can help

    If you’re having a hard time getting to the interview stage, it could be you’re applying for positions not perfectly matched to your knowledge and experience. But a recruiter can help! Jarvis Cole is an e-commerce-specific staffing agency, and we’re looking for you! To learn more, contact us today.