It’s exciting to be starting a new role! You’re elevating within in your eCommerce career! However, when you’re leaving an old job behind, you can leave on good terms, as you follow the Rules of Resignation Etiquette!
The key here is professional. Whether you’re on good or bad terms with the company you’re leaving, always take the high road with these five job resignation tips:
Keep it as positive as possible
You don’t want to burn your bridges! Who knows where you will want to be in your eCommerce career, and with who, in the next 10 years. People move around in their eCommerce careers all the time, and you could end up working with just about anyone – so when you leave your current company, don’t say anything you’ll regret. Businesses change, too, so if you’re quitting because there’s an aspect of the company you don’t like, who knows? Policies are revamped, a position could open up, and maybe someday you’ll want to come back.
Tell your boss first
You want your boss to hear your decision from you, and therefore your boss should be first to know. We recommend telling them in person, if possible, to avoid any misinterpretation. If you can’t meet in person, tell them over the phone – it is the next closest thing! You should act just as professionally during your resignation, as you did during your job interview. And finally, make sure to thank your boss for the experience!
Offer adequate notice
If you’re leaving for a competitor, your boss may have a policy requiring you to leave immediately without notice—but that is up to the discretion of your boss. Industry standard is two weeks’ notice, and it’s common courtesy to offer this so management has time to make arrangements for a replacement. Offer to work for the full two weeks to stay in everyone’s good graces. You will want to use this job on your professional resume, so it’s essential to maintain good relationships with former employers.
Formulate a potential plan for coverage
If you’re leaving for a competitor, your boss may have a policy requiring you to leave immediately without notice—but that is up to the discretion of your boss. It is common courtesy your current company a minimum of two weeks notice, so management has time to make arrangements for a replacement. Work with your current company, as you will want to use this job on your resume, and so it’s essential to maintain good relationships with former employers for a reference.
Keep in touch
This is what networking is all about! Connect on LinkedIn and drop your past coworkers and boss a line once in a while. They may be on the lookout for new eCommerce job opportunities, and maybe someday you will, too! Your professional network can never be too broad. Maintaining your inudstry connections is vital for networking and growth.