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How to Write an eCommerce Blog? Ideas for Marketing Your eCommerce Company

By February 10, 2021December 7th, 2021No Comments

Overseeing an eCommerce blog can be a challenging task, as it can be hard to know what content to include. In an environment where trends are everchanging and developments occur rapidly, it can be challenging to find a topic which you feel will be engaging to your target audience.  

This blog aims to answer the question “What should I write in this week’s eCommerce blog?”. The Marketing Department at Jarvis Cole are totally with you on this; we know it is a challenging task, and therefore we are sharing our top tips on how we tackle our eCommerce blogging activities.  

How to Generate Blog Titles 

It all starts with the title; this is how your prospective readers will find your blog. Make sure your title stands out and contains words/phrases your audience would be interested in. But do not stop there. The title may bring your prospective readers in, but the content within the blog is what will make these readers engaged and get them to come back for more.  

Here are the three ways our marketing department use to identify content that will resonate with the target audience: 

  1. Check out your competitors’ blog content.  

If you have similar audiences to your competitor, you should be writing about similar content. However, do not copy, or steal ideas. Use them as an inspiration for generating your own content. Ideally try to improve and expand on your competitor’s ideas, as this will gradually raise the quality of the content the industry produces.  

For example, 

An eCommerce recruiter company entitled an article: “When does an eCommerce company need to use an eCommerce recruiter?”. Using this title as a basis for your own could lead to “Do you need help with the expansion of your eCommerce team?” You could go into more depth than the original blog or write it from a different perspective.  

By adapting the title, you not only will make your blog unique, but you can be confident it will be engaging to your target audience.  

  1. Check out what people are searching for. 

There are many free tools available on the internet that can be used for content inspiration. They all allow you to get a clear idea of what people are searching for around your chosen content area.  

However, the most simple and effortless way to look at what people are searching for is to check Google’s related searches. For example, if you enter the topic area ‘eCommerce’, we get the following content ideas: 

Because the recommendations Google show are based on Google search queries, you can be confident that a blog on these areas is likely to be engaging. 

Another tool is the website which is a free tool that allows you to gain instant, raw search insights, direct from the minds of your customers. It generates what questions people have on a particular topic.  

For example, if you enter the terms “eCommerce” and “Recruiter” into the website, you’ll see what people are searching for within this topic area. Some of the searches will even directly generate the title for your blog. On the website, these two options generated “Where to find the best eCommerce recruiter?” 

  1. Keywords / SEO  

Your SEO keywords are the keywords and phrases in your web content that make it possible for people to find your site via search engines. These words therefore need to heavily consider within your blog writing. They should give direction to your blogging content. 

There are certain phrases you will want your business to rank for on search engines. For example, at Jarvis Cole, we want people to find our website via the following phrase: ‘eCommerce recruiter.’ 

These keywords must be included in your blog and so topic areas around these will be especially useful. 

Now, it is time to write your blog 

Once you have chosen the title of the blog, it is time to write it. We suggest breaking the process down into time-managed segments: 

Do your research: spend 50 minutes going through the topic area you want to discuss using either primary or secondary research. You need to make sure you utterly understand the topic area.  

Create your outline: spend 15 minutes outlining your introduction, conclusion, and three-five points you want to make. 

Write your blog: spend an hour writing your post. Make sure your writing style is conversational, informative and engages the reader by using words such as ‘we’ and ‘you’ and ‘I’. 

Proof it: It is so easy to make a typo, therefore we highly recommend you get someone to proofread it before it is uploaded! 

Imagery: Once the blog is ready, be sure to add an eye-catching image! 

By investing time in selecting great content and planning effectively, you can create a blog which proves to be a useful resource for your company.  

Last note… 

Here at Jarvis Cole, we pride ourselves in being a leader in eCommerce recruitment. We regularly recruit for all positions within the eCommerce industry and have a highly skilled exclusive talent pool. Furthermore, we specialise in building and managing talent pipelines within the eCommerce industry.   

Get in touch today and find out how we can provide solutions for your company.